Equality and Diversity
At St Peters Elwick Primary School we are committed to equality. We aim for every pupil to fulfil their potential no matter what his / her background or personal circumstances.
You will find a copy of our ‘Equality Information and Objectives Statement‘ here.
Equality Objectives
Northern Lights Learning Trust
Equality Objectives
- To ensure all parents are well-informed and supported to be involved in pupils’ learning, overcoming any barriers or disadvantage
- To ensure our PSED curriculum teaches all pupils how to stay safe, including in relation to their local community context
- To ensure all pupils receive high quality education and those who require catch-up receive high-quality timely intervention
- To ensure all pupils are supported to attend school, overcoming any barriers or disadvantage
- To ensure all pupils’ voices are heard
- To ensure the wellbeing of all staff and pupils is held central to decision making
- To ensure all of our Church schools are equally open to children of all faiths and none and ensure pupils achieve fullness of life
- To ensure all staff recruitment is fair and in line with our equalities policy
Rights Respecting School
St Peters Elwick Primary School is a Rights Respecting School, meaning all of our policies are written and implemented in accordance with a school community which has rights respecting language and ethos at its heart.
Our journey towards becoming a Rights Respecting School is a very important part of our school life. We have achieved our Record of Commitment and encourage pupils to employ Rights Respecting vocabulary in all their dealings with each other.