At St. Peter’s Elwick Church of England Primary School we are committed to the equal inclusion of all pupils in all areas of school life. We recognise that every pupil is an individual and therefore the needs of all of our pupils are taken into account. We understand that all pupils are entitled to a quality provision which enables them to achieve their full potential. All pupils are provided with intervention and support throughout the school to meet their learning, physical, social and emotional needs.
We believe that children should achieve regardless of their background, race or disability and therefore at St. Peter’s Elwick Primary School we aim to remove barriers to learning and provide a positive educational experience for all SEND pupils and their families.
Mrs McLaren, Assistant Head, is the SENDCo for the school and has achieved the National award for Special Educational Needs Coordination. She is contactable at any time via the school office.
If any parents wish to make a complaint around SEND provision, please see our school Complaints Policy
Please see school for SEND Impact Statement as some data refers to groups of less than 5 children.
Our SEND Policy can be found here: SEND Policy
Our Accessibility Plan can be found here: Accessibility Plan
Our SEND Report can be found here: SEND Report
All SEND information and documentation complies with all statutory links as indicated on the GOV.UK guidance for websites.
Useful websites
Information, Advice and Support Services Network
Independent Support Services Hartlepool
Autism, Asperger’s and Other Social/Communication Disorders
Speech and Language
Helping your child’s speech (NHS)
Visual Impairment
National Blind Children’s Society
Hearing Impairment
National Deaf Children’s Society
If you have a useful website to recommend, please let us know about it so we can include it here for other families.
Any clubs, websites, agencies and organisations listed on this webpage outside of St Peter’s Elwick CofE Primary School are independent of the school.