Sports Premium
Our P.E. Vision:
“Our PE and sport aspires to build self – esteem, teamwork and
leadership skills, enabling each child to be the best they can be
Improving health and well-being
Providing high quality equal opportunities and outcomes for all
Encouraging community involvement
Promoting active participation and competition
Raising achievement and supporting excellence.”
We are keen to ensure that the sports premium ensures sustainability. The CPD of staff ensures that permanent staff are upskilled and can cascade this knowledge and training wider within the school. The employment of a sports coach has ensured that staff deliver PE and sports alongside the coach, upskilling the teaching, as well as planning collaboratively with the coach, again upskilling staff. The participation of pupils in wider competitions and opportunities ensures that pupils are provided with the opportunities to participate and become enthused by sport, thereby enthusing younger pupils and becoming sporting role models, both on the playground and in the wider sporting community.
Our PE and sport aspires to build self – esteem, teamwork and leadership skills, enabling each child to be the best they can be by:
Improving health and well-being.
Providing high quality equal opportunities and outcomes for all.
Encouraging community involvement.
Promoting active participation and competition.
Raising achievement and supporting excellence.