Our Music Vision: To provide a high-quality musical education that is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging for all children.
Music Development Plan
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Hart Music Curriculum
At Hart Primary School we follow the National Curriculum with a personalised Model Music Curriculum from Charanga. This individualised curriculum provides the substantive and disciplinary knowledge that children need to prepare them for success in their education journey and to prepare them for work in musical industries.
“Music is all around us. It is the soundtrack to our lives. Music connects us through people and places in our ever-changing world. It is creative, collaborative, celebratory and challenging. In our schools, music can bring communities together through the shared endeavour of whole-school singing, ensemble playing, experimenting with the creative process and, through the love of listening to friends and fellow pupils, performing. The sheer joy of music making can feed the soul of a school community, enriching each student while strengthening the shared bonds of support and trust which make a great school.” (Quotation from the DfE’s Model Music Curriculum).
Music substantive knowledge is the learning based around: the notation, notes, pulse, dynamics, structure, rhythm, pitch, tempo, timbre and texture of different musical pieces.
Disciplinary music knowledge is based around the core pillars of the music curriculum: technical, constructive, expressive. This is demonstrated through Charanga using the three musical processes: composition and improvisation, listening and responding and performing (including singing).
Technical development involves children playing a musical instrument or singing a musical piece.
Constructive development looks at how a variety of musical components come together within a creative process. This allows children to experiment and create different sounds to see which sounds work well together.
The expressive pillar allows children to demonstrate their feelings through musical instruments and pieces. This includes playing and performing songs that the children have composed themselves.
Key Musical Processes
Statement for SEND
Hart Primary School promotes a curriculum that puts all pupils, regardless of their needs, at the heart of what we do. By building mutual respect, we accept others for their differences believing that everyone is special and everyone has something to offer. Our inclusive and enriching curriculum, written for all children, provides pupils with meaningful and aspirational experiences as well as promoting personal growth for life-long learning. When the curriculum needs adapting, to suit the needs of individual children, appropriate modifications are made by the class teacher with support of the SENDCo and the Curriculum Subject Lead.
Books used to support the Curriculum
Evidence of Cultural Capital
Within Hart Primary School, Music lessons are fully resources ensuring all children can take part to learn to play a variety of musical instruments. We encourage all children from KS1 – KS2 to take part in musical instrument lessons within school including the guitar, ukulele and the recorder.
Key Documents
Useful links for parents
Tees Valley Music Services –
Musical clubs for children –
Hartlepool Stage Society –
Seaton Carew Dance Group –