Welcome to Early Years
‘To give all the opportunity to be the best they can be and have fullness of life.’
A message from the class teacher:
In Hart Early Years, we focus on ensuring we develop the whole child, providing them with a broad range of skills and knowledge to begin their learning journey throughout school and life. The children are at the centre of our teaching and their interests are at the heart of what we do.
We love to see our children’s confidence grow in our daily ‘family group’ sessions where the children in their groups can speak confidently and openly to their peers about their feelings and experiences in a safe, stimulating environment whilst also developing their vocabulary skills and articulation.
We ensure our children leave Early Years as thriving individuals with a deep curiosity for learning, the ability to capably think problems through and communicate their ideas and skills to those around them.
We look forward to seeing each child blossom into their own unique selves as the year progresses and pushing them to realise the sky really is the limit!
Teaching Team
Miss Price (Teacher)
Mrs McAvoy (Teaching Assistant)
Mrs McLaren (EYFS Lead/Assistant Head)
Mr Gibson (Sports Coach)
PE Lessons
Our PE lessons are on a Tuesday and a Thursday.
Please can nursery children come into school in full PE kit both days.
Please can reception children bring their full PE kit into school both days to learn the key life skills of getting dressed independently.
- Each Friday reception children will bring a new piece of homework home in their green homework books. This is to be returned by Thursday to put the new piece of homework in.
- Reception will also bring home two reading books on a Friday to be brought back by Thursday the following week. One book is their Little Wandle phonetically decodable book which are matched to their current reading levels. The other book is their sharing book. The sharing book is for you to share with your child and one which they themselves may not be able to read alone. It is a book to spend some quality reading time together and just enjoy that time together.
- All children will receive a Me, My Family, My World book. This book is for your child to be able to share their out of school experiences with us and talk about them in their family groups. We love to hear their adventures and the confidence they get from discussing their own experiences is lovely. You can write in a few sentences, add photographs, drawings, tickets or add anything you and your child would like to share within school. We look at these books throughout the week in family groups.
- Nursery children will receive a story sack to share once every two weeks. There are a range of activities, stories and rhymes within the story sacks to complete and they will all link to the topic of the sack.