To develop a well-rounded artist with a depth of subject knowledge, secure skills base and an understanding of the wider artistic world and cultures.
Art Curriculum
Our curriculum follows the National Curriculum for Art and addresses the following key pillars:
Practical Methods: The techniques, media, materials, technical language and formal elements of Art Education.
Theoretical: Art movements, genres, themes, artists and their art, including context and significance.
Disciplinary: Knowledge that enables pupils to hold dialogue and debate about art. We develop visual literacy to support pupils in communicating and evaluating the value of art on a personal and wider level, including historical significance.
Early Years
Year 3/4
Year 5/6
Statement for SEND
Hart Primary School promotes a curriculum that puts all pupils, regardless of their needs, at the heart of what we do. By building mutual respect, we accept others for their differences believing that everyone is special and everyone has something to offer. Our inclusive and enriching curriculum, written for all children, provides pupils with meaningful and aspirational experiences as well as promoting personal growth for life-long learning. When the curriculum needs adapting, to suit the needs of individual children, appropriate modifications are made by the class teacher with support of the SENDCo and the Curriculum Subject Lead.
Cultural Capital
Our Resident Artist
Our Resident Artist, Keith Robson, supports pupils to develop their art skills and has really strengthened our subject knowledge here at St Peter’s. He also runs a very popular art club on Mondays after school and many of our children also attend his weekend art group in the town.
Keith Robson is a British comic book artist from Hartlepool, best known for his long-time contributions to Beano and Dandy titles.
Useful Links:
Dabble happens every Saturday at Hartlepool Art Gallery with our local artist in residence, Keith Robson.
Local Art Galleries: