Our vision: To understand the fundamental principles and concepts of information and technology. (Foundations – Digital living skills) To know how to apply their skills to create programs, systems, and a range of content. (Applications – Digital working skills) To be digitally literate, creative, and active participants in a digital world. (Implications – Digital specialism)

Why is it important to know what careers there are in Computing?
The opportunities we give our pupils to raise awareness of different careers and prepare them for the world of work, can be found in our Careers Protocol.
The Hart Computing Curriculum
Our curriculum is based on the National Curriculum.
By the end of Key Stage 1, children will be able to:

By the end of Key Stage 2, children will be able to:

Cultural Capital
‘It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement.’
Ofsted School Inspection Handbook 2019
Digital Leaders
It was a great start to the year as lots of children put themselves forward for the Digital Leaders role. Every child that applied spoke clearly and passionately about their love of computing, including coding, internet safety and gaming. They explained that they would keep devices safe and work together to fix any problems. They identified ways to use the internet safely and sensibly, including how they would support their peers. Well done to everyone who took part! Here are our Digital Leaders for 2024-2025.

Our Digital Leaders have been meeting with other schools to discuss Safer Internet Day. They spoke about the theme for this year: Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online. Thank you to our Digital Leaders for sharing their knowledge and skills with the whole school and checking in with each year group with their online safety lessons.
Our Digital Leaders have also been helping out in Early Years and Y1/2 during the Spring Term. They demonstrated how to use an iPad to read QR codes to access books in Early Years and helped the children to log on in Y1/2.

Early Years and KS1 read the story Hanni and the Magic Window. Hanni saw things that worried her and she didn’t tell anyone. Mrs Rodwell notices Hanni doesn’t want to play and asks if she wants to talk about it. Hanni feels better after speaking to her grown up and her teacher.

They also played a game called ‘Can you help me please?’

Children worked in groups to play a board game to practise asking for help. They asked each other how scenarios would make them feel and who would be the best person to talk to. They had to think of ways to ask for help with a problem.
Year 3/4 acted out different scenarios in groups, to show how they would give advice to their friends. They then led the activity with ‘I want to talk about…’ for Safer Internet Day. Many children wanted to emphasise the SMART rules and these have been displayed around school.

Year 5/6 children were advocating for change. They thought about what sort of internet they wanted to have. Here are some of their answers:

They played ‘pass the problem.’ This activity was a useful physical demonstration of the adage, “A problem shared is a problem halved.” Children were provided with a Lego tower and each time they shared an online worry or story, the blocks were removed. The problems were shared, and it became smaller and felt less significant. After some practice, our children thought of advice they could give before removing their portion of the problem.
An example of a Road Map which we use at the beginning of each lesson:

Key Documents
Whole School Overview

Useful Links for parents
Interland Internet Safety Game
Barefoot Computing – Ideas for home
Online Safety:
Early Years and Key Stage One E-Safety texts:
Digiduck’s Big Decision
Chicken Clicking
The internet is like a puddle
Webster’s email
Webster’s Bedtime
Webster’s Friend
Webster’s Manners
Little Bird’s Internet Security Adventure
Once Upon a Time Online
Key Stage Two E-Safety texts:
Diary of Elle – Elle Gets a Mobile Phone
Diary of Elle – Cyber Safety can be fun
Usborne’s Staying Safe Online
Learn the language of Social Media
Ant Clancy: Games Detective
Support your child with films and activities from Thinkuknow
Thinkuknow films and games are a great way to start and continue chats about online safety.
4-7s Jessie & Friends cartoons –
A three-episode animated series which helps keep 4-7s safe online. It explores three popular online activities: watching videos, sharing pictures, and online gaming.
8 – 11s Play Like Share cartoons –
A three-episode animated series that helps keep 8-11 year olds safe from risks they might encounter online.
Band Runner game and advice website –
A fun interactive game that helps reinforce key messages about online safety. You’ll find lots more advice on keeping your child safe online at
If you’re worried that a child is at risk of harm online, you should call the police. Children can make a report to CEOP at Information from: